Congratulations Haleigh, you have been accepted into the College of Design.
Dear Haleigh;
Thank you very much for your interest in the College of Design. We werevery fortunate to have attracted a large number of exceptional applicants.We appreciate the time and effort that you put into preparing youradmission materials.
The admission process will be conducted through several rounds ofinvitations until the spots within all six programs have been filled. In each round all programs will invite a specific number of students to jointheir program. If a student receives multiple invitations in any round, thestudent will be allowed to select only one of the offers during that round. Any invitation that is not accepted will not be available again insubsequent rounds.
After each round, the programs will evaluate their number of acceptances. During the next round additional students could be invited to fill the newspots that may have become available. In these subsequent rounds a studentmay have the opportunity to accept a new invitation from a differentprogram and reject a program that had been accepted in a previous round.Please note that an offer from a previous round cannot be reconsidered once that round has passed.
Sincerely,Igor Marjanovic, Director, Core Design Program
Info: Only 36 - 40 students are admitted each year ( with the number of applicants ranging from roughly 70-90.
Admission to the Interior Design program occurs at the end of the first year of study. It is based on several factors: faculty review of portfolio work submitted at the end of Spring semester (30%), an essay (15%), a sketch book (25%) and College of Design core courses cumulative grade point average (30%).
So I made it in! Yay! Im so excited. I made two programs that I applied for Interior Design (which is the hardest-aside architecture) and Integrated Studio Arts. I really like both, but now I have to choose! oh boy I dont know what to do. I know that it is easier later If I wanted to switch my major from Interior to Studio rather Studio to Interior so that will prolly be the route I go. Interior Design..... i think! :o/? Well Since I made it and all!!!... I thought I would share my portfolio and essay with you all. It consisted of project I conducted this last year in the prerequisit classes i had to take. The last four pages are my own "out of class" work. Ps: sorry some of the pictures are not totally straight.
- Dsn 131: cylinder sketches
- Dsn 131: Charcoal sketches-portraits
- Dsn 131: Sketch
- Dsn 131: Line drawing
- Dsn 131: Line drawing
- Dsn 131: perspective drawing
- Dsn 131: Color cante
- Dsn 131: Charcoal drawing
- Dsn 131: Charcoal drawing
- Dsn 102: Postcard Project process board
- Dsn 102: Postcard abstract
- Dsn 102: Final Postcard
- Dsn 102: Pattern Project process board
- Dsn 102: Sicssor pictures
- Dsn 102: Sicssor pattern drawing
- Dsn 102: Space container pictures
- Dsn 102: Space container drawing
- Dsn 102: Pattern Project pictures
- Dsn 102: Doorway Project process board
- Dsn 102: Doorway Modralog drawing
- Personal work: color study- paint
- Personal work: charcaol figuritive drawing
- Personal work: color cante figure drawing (Mr. Peterka)
- Personal work: Color painting of bottles
beautiful work, hun. you SO deserve to have gotten in to the program. way to go... i'm excited for you! and looking at the last four remind me of mr. peterka's class... oh, those were the days...
nice work Haleigh!
I'm so excited for you! You will be great at interior design!
Congrats!!! That is awesome. I have seen from Jon just a little of how hard it is to get into the design school. Way to go!
I loved looking at all of your work. Amazing Haleigh!
Awesome!! Welcome home! I hope you had a great trip. :-)
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