Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sister Weekend!!

I had a great weekend. My sister came up on Thursday and spent the weekend with me. We had a great time shopping, hanging out and just being sisters. Thursday night we went to salt co.- It is College reachout- A youth group only for college students. We get together for Worship, teachings and fellowship at Cornerstone Church in Ames. Then Friday Lindsey went with me to class, she got to sit with and sing along in my choir- Iowa State Singers. She said she really enjoyed that a lot and she couldn't wait to tell her choir director-Mark Lehmann. That afternoon she came with me to give plasma- I donated she sat in the waiting room patiently.( I only do it for the money- I hate needles! If I donate 2 a week I get 50$-which goes to my Christmas gift money this year! :o) That night we went with my Bible Study Girls to a sleep over at a Cornerstone Church Family's house. That was quite the experience, they had a huge house- but Im not sure if the mom knew what a vacuum was- and they had two huge dogs! They were very nice though and really cute kids. Saturday came along and we went to the mall- we bought ourselves ISU sweatshirts to wear to the game for that night. When we got back the weather started acting up and the sirens went of -we were under a tornado watch. I turned on the news and they announced there was a tornado touch down north of Lincohn way Ave-which was right outside my dorm room. Linds and I headed down the hall to my friends room- who had a perfect north face view where we witnessed our first tornado live. It was cool- I have never seen anything like it ever.(my next post will be more about it) So then that night we went to the game-which was delayed due to the tornado. It was a great game- Linds and I were in the 9th row and had a good view. But about the end of the 3rd we got waay too cold and watch the ending on tv in my room- with some pizza and hot cocoa. That was about it- the next morning my mom came and picked her up. We had fun, and we took a lot of funny pics.


Tina said...

I can't see the pics this time... huh? wierd.
So, do you have a time card yet at your part time plasma job? There HAS to be a better way to make money. You shouldn't do it anymore especially after all the problems you have been having with those veins! See you soon! Love you!

Heth said...

YAY! Another post! I've been checking everyday...seriously.

Sounds like you two had a lot fo fun together. Sisters are great.

No more tornato chasing you freak! You are supposed to HIDE when a tornato comes, not watch it out the window.