Monday, February 27, 2006

Help me! I cant take the crying!

This monday night was my 2nd time at my new job. I babysit for two little boys Evan (2) and Joshua (3 months). They are too cute. Evan is the best behaved 2 year old I have even babysat! He really is and thank goodness because as for Joshua, he is a real cutie BUT he likes to cry a lot. So most of the time I am babysitting them i have to hold Josh constantly- and try to make him stop or wait until he is tired enough to put him to sleep. His parents (especially daddy) have been having trouble with him too so it is not just me. I'm not sure if it is because he is over - stimulated but he has crying attacks and just constantly crys- untill he gets too tired or eats or sleeps. Sometimes you can get him to smile and laugh but if you look away he starts this fussy'ness and then if you dont catch it and make him happy then there is no way stopin him. I guess I know of some baby experts that read my blogs pretty regularly so please any suggestions? I have tried everything: bottle of water, pasy, tv, rocking, toys, swing, leaving him along. I am going to be babysitting them tomorrow night as well (tuesday) so help?!?! Please?!?


Heth said...

They are adorable.

The crying thing? Yeah, welcome to my life. :) Seriously though, some kids just cry more. All of my babies have been fussy and for no reason other than they just want your full attention all the time. Sorry I'm no help. but YOU CAN DO IT! You are an awesome babysitter.

leighdrea said...

He definently gets my full attention. At least I only sit them for a couple hours- so when he crys for the whole 2 hours I am there- I dont quiet get to the point of going insaine...yet :o)

hannahjoy said...

Those kids sure are adorable... too bad about the crying. I don't think I would be able to come up with anything that you haven't tried... good luck hun!

Tina said...

just keep going... the more you are there the more he will get used to you, and it will get easier and easier... and a little prayer never hurt anyone! :)

sRa said...

rum. that'll knock him out. miiight get you arrested though.
do you sing to him? or play a cd? maybe the vaccuum? I know that puts me straight to sleep

iridium said...

Gemma used to do the whole "look at me or I go ballistic" gig.

She outgrew it thank goodness.

Some kids just take time to get fully used to this new world.