Seems like time goes so fast and I can't believe you are 15 years old now- only 1 year away from driving! Thinking of how much you have grown up in the last few years is crazy-you have such a wonderful heart. You always make me feel welcome and missed when I come home- greeting me with your kisses and hugs and sometimes annoying me by following me around the house!! You do have a habit of following when you are bored! :o)(we can all relate) I admire your spirit and joyfulness that you find in everything. You can always say something good about someone and LAUGH at a situation. Sometimes laughing TOO LONG and obnoxiously-at times. :o) One of the things I will always keep with me that I love about you is your notes. You are a note girl for sure! Whenever you have the excuse to write a note- whether it is to apologize, ask, or just because. You have always been a writer- Harriet! If I recall correctly, I think I have caught you several times spying on me and writing my phone conversations in your lil book! :o) You have always had a gift for writing. You are such a beautiful person -inside and out- from your green hazel sparkling eyes to your pure caring heart. I love you baby girl and I'm proud of you!